
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tim and Gloria Wheeler Experience Turmoil in Honduras

First Presbyterian provides mission support to Tim and Gloria Wheeler in Honduras, where a Presidential coup has made things quite dangerous for this missionary couple and the people they serve. Their July 2009 newsletter reads, in part:

In this situation, the line between truth and falsehood is the width of a razor blade (and both sides have been on both sides of that razor blade). It’s impossible to know the whole truth behind reported facts, actions, and statements; the climate has been one of chaos and division. We know of families that are on different sides of the issue, making even peace at home difficult. We find ourselves challenged to relate in a neutral way to friends, co-workers, and villagers since, as missionaries, we do not take sides in the political struggle. We continue to look for ways to stand in solidarity with the people we serve—the displaced, the landless, the incredibly impoverished, all of whom are so rich in spirit.

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