
Monday, December 14, 2009

FPC History: Two Manses (1955-1959)

According to Presbyterians Pioneer at Matawan, the church's manse on Main Street gradually became the church's operational headquarters after the Christmas 1955 fire:

The guest room was stripped of its former fittings and set up as a temporary office. The pastor's secretary was established there amid piles of equipment. A telephone and buzzer system connected with the minister's first floor office and the kitchen of the Manse.

The dining room table was used by the financial secretary during the week and by the Church School officers on Sunday.

The flow of traffic through the Manse was so heavy that by common consent, the doorbell was never used. People simply came in and called out to announce their presence.

... On February 18th, 1959, the Rev Mr Galloway and his family moved into a new Manse, the beautiful Koopman homestead overlooking Lake Lefferts, the gift of two members of the church, Mrs Helen Terhune Schock and Miss J Mabel Brown. The house was built in 1950.

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