
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How Well Does Your Church Use Social Media?

Ever hold an event and afterwards all you heard from people was "I would have come, but I never knew about it?"

The fact is, most of us do not communicate as well as we think we do.

Sometimes all we use is a web-site.  Sometimes we use blogs.  This blog was opened 9 years ago.  Communications were started on Facebook at least as long ago as that.  At that time, the tried and true methods of the 1990's and earlier were still en flique.  These are some of those failed methods:
  • Stick up a poster (read by people about as much as the babysitter and music lessons ads tacked up everywhere)
  • Mass mail a press release to newspapers everywhere (our local papers stopped covering our area about 10 years ago, and are mainly concerned with remaining ongoing business concerns)
  • Send a letter to the congregation (a costly proposition, and not always read)
  • Email - good choice, again you only reach your congregation that 1) has emails, 2) opens emails, 3) don't have a strong spam filter
Today, wizened church members (and leaders) know they have a communication problem.  (Some call this idea of telling or public communication "evangelism").  This is dedicated to those fine folks.
Social Media policies and training, for the newly converted to the craft: